The North Western Fells

The North Western Fells was published in March 1964 and was dedicated to:

Those unlovely twins MY RIGHT LEG and MY LEFT LEG, staunch supporters that have carried me about for over half a century, enduring much without complaint and never once let me down


Wainwright’s devoted followers eagerly anticipated the release of the next book in the series, expressing their impatience through a barrage of fan mail sent to Cumbria magazine over several months. Each letter echoed the same question: “When will it be ready?” Notably, Book Six departed from tradition, lacking the customary full-page advertisement in Cumbria. Instead, its launch was quietly noted in the magazine’s A Lakeland Notebook section the following month.

Cumbria magazine April 1964

Wainwright deeply admired this region, finding endless joy in retracing familiar paths during his research. This area also holds a special place in the hearts of many of his readers, boasting renowned fells like Catbells, Grasmoor, and Grisedale Pike. Noteworthy is Castle Crag, the lowest fell, cradled within the enchanting Jaws of Borrowdale. In Wainwright’s eyes, this region encapsulated Lakeland’s most picturesque square mile. Remarkably, it would be the first title in the series to be published by the Westmorland Gazette. Further details can be found in The Northern Fells.

During the Gazette era, The North Western Fells outsold The Northern Fells by a slight margin. However, both guides are equally popular today, with sales figures roughly equivalent.


A First Edition is identified by:

  1. Yellow case with round corners and blue blocking
  2. 12/6 price on the dust jacket
  3. No impression number
  4. Book seven listed as – in preparation
In preparation helps identify a First Edition
The North Western Fells First Edition
The North Western FellsFirst Edition with a yellow case and blue blocking
The North Western Fells
Signed First Edition
The North Western Fells Original Negatives
A sample of the original The North Western Fells printing negatives
The North Western Fells
The North Western Fells prices between 1964 and 1981
Westmorland Gazette dust jacket negative from the 1970s
Westmorland Gazette dust jacket negative from the 1980s
Westmorland Gazette dust jacket positive from the 1980s
Westmorland Gazette dust jacket positive from the 1980s

In the late 1960s, the guides underwent their first noticeable physical alterations since their initial publication. The once pliable cases became less flexible, and the corners were squared off, making slipping them in and out of pockets more difficult. Additionally, the cases were now available in various shades of yellow.

The North Western Fells
A mid-1960s impression with gold blocking
The North Western Fells
A master binding copy from the 1970s (to ensure the sections were collated correctly)
Unused case from the mid-1970s
Unused case from the mid-1970s

The 1970s marked an intriguing period, showcasing the broadest range of case types. The prices for the seven guides during this decade ranged from 90p to £2.70, reflecting the evolving economic landscape which resulted in price increases.

Regrettably, by the end of 1980, a shift occurred as the guide cases changed to plain green covers with minimal texture. The distinctive gold blocking that adorned the front of the cases was also removed during this period.

The North Western Fells
Case examples from the 1970s
The North Western Fells Signed 1974
The North Western Fells signed in 1973
The North Western Fells Signed 1982
The North Western Fells signed in 1982
The North Western Fells Signed in 1985
The North Western Fells Signed 1986
The North Western Fells signed in 1986
The North Western Fells Signed 1987
The North Western Fells signed in 1987
The North Western Fells
Case examples from the 1980s

In 1985, a significant milestone was achieved when the Gazette bound their millionth Wainwright book, coincidentally The North Western Fells. The detailed narrative of this momentous event is documented in the Memorabilia section of the website, providing a comprehensive account of the celebration.

During the 1980s, the guides were printed in batches of 3,000. However, with Michael Joseph taking over as the new publisher, the Gazette’s final print run for this guide was reduced to just one thousand. This quantity proved sufficient to last until the publication of all guides was discontinued.

The Westmorland Gazette’s final Titus Wilson order

Towards the close of 1991, the publishing rights shifted to Michael Joseph. To infuse a personalised touch into the preliminaries, Chris Jesty, who had previously made corrections on behalf of Wainwright, was enlisted to handwrite them. Although initially he couldn’t quite replicate Wainwright’s hand-lettering, Chris honed his technique over time. When the Second Editions were completed, he had achieved a close mimicry of Wainwright’s distinctive writing style. Chris meticulously justified all the preliminary text by hand for Michael Joseph’s guides.

Michael Joseph’s dust jacket artwork from 1992
The North Western Fells Michael Joseph Prelims
The North Western Fells Prelims were produced for Michael Joseph by Chris Jesty

In 1993, guidebook printing underwent a significant change as it departed Kendal for the first time since 1955, relocating to Clays Ltd in Bungay, located in the south of England. This arrangement persisted for a decade until 2003, when Michael Joseph discontinued the publication of Wainwright’s guides. With this decision, Wainwright’s renowned guides were officially declared out of print.

Michael Joseph’s final Titus Wilson order

A stroke of luck brought the guides back to Kendal after a decade of being printed elsewhere. In February 2003, the announcement of Frances Lincoln as the new publisher marked a significant turn of events, with the Gazette being among the first newspapers to report this news:

The North Western Fells
Two impressions of The North Western Fells from Frances Lincoln 2003

The relocation to Kendal proves to be a resounding success as the new guides experience a surge in demand, prompting Titus Wilson to expand their premises. Mike Addison documented the success story for the Gazette with the following report:

Frances Lincoln’s dust jacket (formerly Michael Joseph’s) negative from 2003
Frances Lincoln’s dust jacket (formerly Michael Joseph’s) negative from 2003

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of The Eastern Fells, John Nicholl endeavoured to create a set of guides that closely mirrored the original editions. Launched in March 2005, these new guides saw Wainwright’s original artwork scanned and gold blocking reintroduced to the front of the case for the first time since 1980. Limited Edition Leather-Bound box sets were also crafted, catering to the enthusiasts and collectors of Wainwright’s work.

The North Western Fells

From left to right:
The North Western Fells (50th), F. Lincoln 2005
The North Western Fells (50th) Leather-Bound, F. Lincoln 2005

The North Western Fells
The red blocking would return for the first time in 25 years
The 50th Anniversary Edition positives
The 50th Anniversary Edition printed sheets
Frances Lincoln’s dust jacket positive from 2005
Frances Lincoln’s dust jacket positive from 2005
The North Western Fells 50th Anniversary Dust Jacket Positive 3
Frances Lincoln’s dust jacket positive from 2005
Frances Lincoln’s dust jacket positive from 2005

Due to escalating production costs, Titus Wilson faced financial constraints that made it impossible to sustain the profit-making production of the guides. In 2007, printing operations ceased in Kendal and were relocated to diverse international locations. Notably, despite being outdated, the 50th Anniversary Editions are still being printed in China.

The original dust jacket masters
Frances Lincoln’s final Titus Wilson order
The North Western Fells 50th Anniversary Edition. Various Prints
The 50th Anniversary Editions were printed in various locations worldwide: Italy, Singapore, Thailand and China

The 50th Anniversary Editions debuted in paperback format in June 2023 and were presented as a box set. See the Wainwright Box Set Collection for details.

The North Western Fells Paperback
The North Western Fells – 50th Anniversary Edition paperback

In conjunction with the release of the 50th Anniversary Editions, Frances Lincoln initiated a revision project. While not altering Wainwright’s original guides deemed as “works of art,” this project fulfilled Chris Jesty’s long-standing desire to update the guides thoroughly. The undertaking consumed a decade of his life, as detailed by Martin Wainwright in The Guardian:

The North Western Fells

From left to right:
The North Western Fells (RE), F. Lincoln 2008
The North Western Fells (RE) later print, F. Lincoln 2009
The North Western Fells (RE) low gsm paper, F. Lincoln 2009
The North Western Fells (RE) high gsm paper, F. Lincoln 2009

Over time, John Nicholl sold Frances Lincoln to Quarto, and in 2015, the 50th Anniversary Editions gave way to the Readers Edition. Essentially, they retained the content of the original guides but were marketed under a different name. The new guides were released individually over three years. Securing a complete set later became difficult for those who did not purchase them upon their initial release.

In 2018, Quarto introduced White Lion Publishing, which took over the publication of alternative titles targeting a younger audience, including the guides. The following year, Quarto reinstated Frances Lincoln, reflecting a desire to revive their more prestigious brands in the publishing portfolio.

After a few years, even the Second Editions started to show signs of becoming outdated. Clive Hutchby took over from Chris Jesty and initiated a comprehensive revision of the guides. The North Western Fells – Walkers Edition was introduced as a flexibound guide in 2019, representing one of the initial outcomes of this revisiting process. Eventually, both the Readers and Walkers Editions became printed as paperbacks.

From left to right:
The North Western Fells (RE) hardback, F. Lincoln 2017
The North Western Fells (RE) paperback, F. Lincoln 2021
The North Western Fells (WE) flexibound, White Lion 2019
The North Western Fells (WE) paperback, F. Lincoln 2020

The North Western Fells - Readers Edition
Several Readers Edition paperbacks weren’t consistently guillotined
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